The average house price on LOW GRANGE CRESCENT is £127,520
The most expensive house in the street is 3 LOW GRANGE CRESCENT with an estimated value of £165,742
The cheapest house in the street is 120 LOW GRANGE CRESCENT with an estimated value of £96,271
The house which was most recently sold was 12 LOW GRANGE CRESCENT, this sold on 1 Sep 2010 for £64,500
The postcodes for LOW GRANGE CRESCENT are LS10 3EB, LS10 3EA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 LOW GRANGE CRESCENT Semi-Detached , 87 m2 £165,742 £105,000 18 Feb 2008
12 LOW GRANGE CRESCENT Terraced , 65 m2 £110,154 £64,500 1 Sep 2010
114 LOW GRANGE CRESCENT Semi-Detached £163,356 £96,000 20 Oct 2006
118 LOW GRANGE CRESCENT Semi-Detached £102,081 £27,000 2 Jun 2000
120 LOW GRANGE CRESCENT Terraced £96,271 £39,000 10 Feb 2003